Sunday, September 23, 2012

For the Great Grandparents

Jackson followed in a long line of kids, grandkids & great-grandkids when we were in Baltimore last week.

He bolted for the basement of my grandparents house and headed for the pool table.

The result is in the video. And I know it will put a smile on my grandparents' faces.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

40? Yes, 40.

We celebrated my 40th birthday in Baltimore this past weekend.

What a party!

Family and friends came from all over to help me celebrate and I was thrilled, honored and deeply gratified.

I know that a lot of people put a tremendous amount of time, energy and effort into the party and I am forever thankful. There was a walk down memory lane with old photos and memorabilia -- including a Superman leotard costume that I'm told I wore for Halloween when I was a kid. I must have blocked that out.

I am blessed to have such a generous and loving family -- and there were gifts aplenty. One of them was a replica Orioles jersey of my favorite Oriole, Eddie Murray.

All in all, maybe 40 isn't so bad!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Snip Snip!

Jackson got his first haircut...and he was a big boy about it.

He didn't like the cape around his neck but as soon as the stylist handed him a lollipop and turned on Mickey Mouse, he settled in.

Mommy & Daddy were worried he might lose his signature curls in the back but so far, so good.

Little brother Harrison was there enjoying the moment.