Sunday, March 27, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Training

Mere and I squeezed in a Orioles spring training game in Sarasota over the weekend. The O's lost but it was a good game, a beautiful day and a treat to see the upgraded stadium the O's are playing in.

The Climber

Every week brings a new achievement for Jacks.

He is standing on his own for a few seconds, waving high and bye and raising his arms when we ask, "How big is Jackson?"

Lately, he's also begun climbing the stairs. Usually in pursuit of Canaan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bee

Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Check out how the kids at Mommy & Me -- including Jackson -- fall into a trance when Miss Erin busts out the bee at the end of class.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Water Day at Mommy & Me

Jacks got to play in the big water fountain at Mommy & Me today. Boy, did he enjoy it! Video to come...