This is an exciting time for Meredith and I. We are thrilled to tell all of our friends and family that we are expecting our first child!
Mere is about 14 weeks along and we've wanted to shout the news from the nearest mountaintop (which is difficult since there are no mountaintops in South Florida). We waited a while to let the pregnancy progress and allow our little person a chance to grow.
The time is right to let everyone in on what has been, until now, a closely guarded secret amongst immediate family. And a few strangers -- like the guy at Universal Studios who asked me why my wife wasn't riding the Hulk roller coaster with me. I couldn't think up a lie quickly enough so there's a stranger in Orlando who knew before our parents did.
This week we've heard the baby's heartbeat -- ridiculously loud! -- and seen pictures proving that the baby is human. Heretofore, it had a vaguely frog-like quality.
Our goal is to update the blog as often as we can for family and friends who are near and far, so they can share our joy and see Mere grow...and grow...and grow...and gr(I'll stop now. I think she's a tad self-conscious.)
On a personal note, it continues to blow my mind that this woman I met nearly 12 years ago at a rehearsal for A Chorus Line is carrying my child. We have both grown and labored over the years as individuals and as a couple. Meredith is taking beautiful care of herself and our little nugget...We are grateful to be on this journey as we await the arrival of our little guy/gal.
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