On Saturday, she came over to the house for a consultation and we practiced some breathing techniques, learned different labor positions, and even simulated a few 'mock contractions' where I had to hold ice in my hand for several minutes. Carey is definitely front row and center, rubbing my back and helping me to remember the proper breathing patterns.
With Lisi on our team, we are confident this baby can make his/her entrance into this world without the help of narcotics or an epidural. In the next four weeks, we will continue to practice our breathing and getting everything we need ready for the big day. I'm working on getting my hospital bag packed, a birth playlist created, and putting the finishing touches on the baby's room. It's hard to believe in less than a month (let's hope!) we will all discover who this little person is who has been growing and growing and growing inside me for the last 9 months!!
1 comment:
i didn't realize you were so far along! my mom keeps asking if i've seen photos of you pregnant... you look beautiful & i hope you get the exact delivery you want! can't wait to hear that your little one has arrived :)
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