Monday, June 6, 2011

Pics from a Party Weekend

It's hard to imagine a child enjoying his first birthday more than Jackson.

He played in a sprinkler ball from his Mimi (Cheryl) that he loved. He played in the pool and had lots of friends and family around.

At first, he seemed leery of the cake -- especially when it got on his hands. But then Daddy and Poppy dove in face first to show him that the cake was yummy.

It was love at first bite.

Of course, there were hugs, kisses and presents galore -- lots of clothes, toys and gift cards.

He is a lucky little boy and we are lucky to have him in our lives.

He had so many visitors -- Mimi, Grandma Bonnie, Grandpa Jones, Great Aunt Susie, Aunts Maddie & Mallory and cousins Emma and Neveah traveled from Sarasota to wish him a Happy First Birthday.

Poppy, Gramsy and Aunt Val flew in from Baltimore to spend a few days in Florida and celebrate his birth.

Plus lots of Mommy and Daddy's friends and Jackson's new friends visited to enjoy the big day.

It was a memorable weekend and one that we'll talking about for a long time.

We know there were lots of people who wanted to be with us and sent wonderful thoughts and wishes for our little guy. It is much appreciated and we hope to see each of you soon.

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